Jarrell bought a skimer board and decided he was going to try it out:
It looked like fun. but the water was soooo cold i dont see how he stood it, he said after a while he got used to it and it was warm, but i was too chicken and didnt get in, i used titus as a excuse, cause of course i had to watch him, even though my grandma would have been more than willing to watch him while i took a dip. Maybe next time it will be warmer and i will swim:)
In the mornings when we were there in Texas, Titus loved to explore our condo, it was a new place, he would go in the kitchen and get in the cabinets and go into the dining area and then the hall and just all over. He had a lot of fun. One morning i was really tired and came into the living room with him when he woke up and he kept going into the kitchen so i put up chairs as a barrier so he had to stay in the living room, im not used to being somewhere that is not child proofed cause i am so used to home where he can just run free.