Welcome to Not Me Monday! Its a blog carnival created by MckMama over at http://www.mycharmingkids.net/ This week i DID NOT:
Travel to Louisville, KY for 5 days only to return home for 3 and then travel to Warrenton and stay another 3 days away from home. I would never get my child so far off his schedule and routine, never!
Get Titus his own cup with a lid and straw wherever we went out to eat b/c i knew it would keep him occupied almost the whole time without screaming at the top of his lungs to hold mine. Even if in fact by the end of the meal he had taken his lid off his cup and was sticking his hand in the drink and wiping it all over his face, i would never let my child act like that in public! If i did i wouldnt post a picture to prove it either:
Go resale shopping with grandma smith from 9am in the morning till 3pm and take titus along, i wouldnt do that to him, i also did not let her buy everything in site and say ok when she refused to let me pay her back.(she's a sweet grandma)
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